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GLE control system: Altamira II
GLE control system: Altamira II

GLE control system: Altamira II

The Altamira II control system has been completely designed in house and can be installed on any type of Elevator, both traction or hydraulic. Under a CAN BUS communication system, it can control groups of up to 8 lifts, 64 stops and speed of 5m/s.

End user catalogue – 2020 Updated
End user catalogue – 2020 Updated

End user catalogue – 2020 Updated

The new GLE car catalogue is already uploaded to our website. It is a complete catalogue where we show our clients and end users the main decoration possibilities for their lifts.



To understand who we are today, it is always important to look back and review our origins and where we come from, to not to lose the essence that create us as a company.

Special Lifts
Special Lifts

Special Lifts

At GLE we have been working for more than 20 years to position ourselves as a benchmark in the manufacture and commercialization of lifts with special characteristics and bespoke lifts for the most important works, in the most illustrious buildings and under the most demanding manufacturing requirements.

Russian Elevator Week
Russian Elevator Week

Russian Elevator Week

Global Lift Equipment приймет участие в Международной выставке лифтового и подъемного оборудования «Russian Elevator Week» с 9-11 июня 2015 (Cтенд D5.2).

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